Hiatus Announcement: PC Broken.

Well this is what's happening I haven't updated in a while because Imy PC

Is broken at the moment and has been for quite sometime but the game

Is still in development and ill get back to working on it as soon as I can

I also am aware of the game-breaking bug in the demo so I'm taking

the game download offline for now. I'll keep you all updated on this

And I'm sorry for the inconvenience bye.

- PikaFan64U


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hope you get a new one soon

(1 edit)

 Hey thank you but I can still get the one I've got fixed it may take a while but I WILL get it fixed☺️

How can i test it out again the link doesn’t work

the link has been temporarily taken down the current version of the game has a class A bug in it that crashes the game when loading a map making it unbeatable sorry for the inconvenience.