A downloadable game

The year is 2609, 3rd Age. the realm of Ur is in peril. The evil High Queen Starling cold-hearted and sadistic, she rules with an iron fist plunging her kingdom into poverty and unrest forcing all in her Kingdom to commit Voltanic Worship or die. Meanwhile, a slave boy named Renn Madison has been haunted by dreams every night and as fate would have it Renn and two others are on the chopping block for treason to their masters the Blackrock Orc Clan. But as they attempt to escape Renn's life is going to be changed forever!

Trials of the Aesir: The Lost Prince and the Possessed Princess is a Dark-Fantasy JRPG set in the Realm of Ur, in it you play as Renn Madison as you complete quests and not only save the High Princess but find out the mystery of the lost Prince and save the realm. In your spare time, you can complete side quests, cook, mine, fish, and more!

Game currently on Indefinite Hiatus.

NEW!: Trials of the Aesir now has a Discord Page:

Trials of the Aesir Series Official Discord Page

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